Well it appears that there is a God after all. Most of you came to our event will know that me and Shirl received notice of a planning application to build a big bungalow right where we chatted and enjoyed the sweet treats only a few feet from out fence. Obviously we were not pleased but at the end West Lindsey C.C. have shown some common sense and planning has been refused. Stating the obvious, as we did, that it could only increase the risk of our property being flooded.
This is the plan proposed, 4 bedroom "Dormer" style.
This is the proposed view from the rear where they wanted to raise the ground level by 1.5M before starting to build, meaning the bottom of the walls would be level with the top of our fence!! Even the elevation isn't accurate.
Our fence is shown on the left side of the drawing. This is continually described as being "sympathetic" to the neighbouring property. WTF?
Anyway it has been,
Bad news is the other monstrosity at the far end of the lake looks like it's going ahead albeit slowly.