Oh, and as an aside...
We are going to start working on a charter at some stage, so that the site is not entirely reliant on one person.
This site will work in effect as a club, with a proper structure/committee. That way should any ones interest 'shift', then the remaining team can continue. This will guarantee longevity and continuity without reliance on 'one set of keys' (to coin another well used phrase!).
This is not my site, or James' site and we are not going to run it as if it is.
We are going to start working on a charter at some stage, so that the site is not entirely reliant on one person.
This site will work in effect as a club, with a proper structure/committee. That way should any ones interest 'shift', then the remaining team can continue. This will guarantee longevity and continuity without reliance on 'one set of keys' (to coin another well used phrase!).
This is not my site, or James' site and we are not going to run it as if it is.