.net Why do I bother

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Global Moderator
M Power
Dec 2, 2011
Model of Z
Oh, and as an aside...

We are going to start working on a charter at some stage, so that the site is not entirely reliant on one person.

This site will work in effect as a club, with a proper structure/committee. That way should any ones interest 'shift', then the remaining team can continue. This will guarantee longevity and continuity without reliance on 'one set of keys' (to coin another well used phrase!).

This is not my site, or James' site and we are not going to run it as if it is.



Zorg Addict
Dec 10, 2011
Red Rose Country
Model of Z
Phil said:
This is a young vibrant website run by Z enthusiasts
Absolutely - and long may it continue, in such a short space of time it is damned impressive what has been achieved and how good the site looks and I'm not biaised at all considering the home page piccy was dedicated to me today :ymhug:

Phil said:
..........but is based on chit chat among a small group of friends - nothing more. Nothing wrong with that but will you still be contributing when you have moved on?
A Forum............is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages

Everything doesn't have to be Zed related, that's why there are different sections, but we all have 1 thing in common and it's what has brought us together and enabled a lot of us (if not all) to meet some great people who have become friends. We also have other things going on in our lives which we choose to share and support one another, that's what makes us human.

Let's not rake up the threads that started when Zorg was born but celebrate it's success (and I have no doubt continued success) for years to come.......

Speaking of birth................ did anyone miss the fact that it's my birthday today :coolsteer) :ymparty:


Zorg Guru (IV)
British Zeds
Dec 7, 2011
Model of Z
2.8 Z3
After another downtime, I think it's time to start copy and pasting some of my .Net threads, maybe the new removal of the some of the edit buttons complicates that, but it can still be done.
I know there is a copyright issue and that they are supposed to remain, but these are mostly links to photo's on Photobucket.
What hasn't been realised in Tim's copyright lecture, is that the 'photo' is mine, on my PB account, only the 'link' is owned by .net. If I move the photo, they are still entitled to the rights to the link, which is still exactly the same as originally posted (only it's now useless) =)) :ar! I just edit the copied link on here to the new photo location. :-bd

I find that I no longer tend to look at the Z3 info very much anymore, but still try and give advice where I can. I can do that here instead!! There is plenty of Z3 and E36 info in many other places too if I needed to look.
If I need Z4 info, (rarely) , I can get some from Z4Forum, (though I am not keen on that site) with the exception of a few, I find most of the members more like a step up from a Saxo forum. Maybe its an age thing with some Z4 'clientele' $-) :mp) :plane) :pizza) :beer :camera =))

I find this site has more people I wish to associate with, and help if I can.
.Net seems to be left with a lot of people defending TC, and his lack of response for what I take as misleading of people into sponsorship needed for an upgrade that never took place (or is ever likely to..)
I am sick of battling with some of their views that we should let it go unanswered or even choose to be annoyed.

Maybe this is time that another forum, actually topples the dinosaur. :-t
(and with it, what I believe are the increasingly patronising and condescending posts of Mr Mike Fishwick) sorry but that's how I read them... %-(


Zorg Addict
Dec 5, 2011
Liverpool (UK)
Model of Z
///M S54
Phil said:
Consider this and I'm not being critical of anyone or anything.

When the Z3 was introduced all those years ago Tim Cullis had one and started zroadster.net. He arranged lots of events and was enthusiastic to a fault. When the S54 M was released he bought one and was even more enthusiastic. Then along came the Z4 and Tim swopped his M for a top of the range all singing, all dancing Z4. Same again lots of enthusiasm etc.

Then along came a long term illness, which I am not prepared to discuss. However his interest shifted to trail bikes.

zroadster still continued and still does, to a point.

Now consider this - in, lets say, 5 years time all the mods and admin on here have moved on to driving Audis/Mercs/Porsches etc are you still going to be as enthusiastic with this forum?
Human nature being what it is would say no you are not.
This is a young vibrant website run by Z enthusiasts but is based on chit chat among a small group of friends - nothing more. Nothing wrong with that but will you still be contributing when you have moved on?
Phil I don't disagree at all in what you say but was already aware of Tims illness. To be honest that makes his obvious reluctance to hand over day to day management and decision making of the site all the more surprising and illogical to me (but I did not want to bring his illness into the equation in previous posts ;-)

Only time will tell how long this forum lasts and I know .net has been through surprisingly similar before and it will survive with new members joining the fold and this like the last time may become a dim and distant memory on .net. It's just a crying shame that .net could have been so much more and I fear one day it will disappear never to be accessed again.

This forum has made a great start, it has a chance. Yes it's mainly banter at the moment but then so was .net over the winter months ;-) there are members on here with real knowledge of the cars and those enthusiastic enough to keep the site feeling alive, as snoops says, it's a forum and that's what we have all signed up for.

What says it all is that members feel as those they are participating in its growth and development which to be honest is very refreshing.

Ps don't forget one of the guys setting it up has had a Z3 longer than most (11 years i think) and still seems pretty enthusiastic to me ?


Zorg Guru (V)
British Zeds
Dec 5, 2011
Near Llangollen North Wales
Model of Z
Z4 3.0 SE
TitanTim said:
I really don't think its fair to say "Shame on Tim Cullis
For someone willing to let a good site die without even trying to keep it alive, what else can one say?

If he has no interest thats fair enough, but he should now take steps to keep the site active by handing it over? Why let the site die? After all the site was set up for Z owners and without the support of these members (were not guests) would have collapsed long ago.


Staff member
Global Moderator
British Zeds
Scottish Zeds
Dec 6, 2011
Model of Z
Too much oxygen is being wasted pandering to what is going to happen to .net - if it lives, it lives.

So leave them to get on with it and let us concentrate on .org

<draws a line under it> _____________________________________________________________________


Zorg Expert (II)
British Zeds
Dec 4, 2011
Langley Mill
Model of Z
Z4 3.0si Individual Ruby Black Last one produced in this colour combo
Well said Nero \m/


Zorg Legend
Dec 8, 2011
Spilsby, Lincolnshire
Model of Z
2.8 Roadster
NeRo said:
So leave them to get on with it and let us concentrate on .org

<draws a line under it> _____________________________________________________________________
+1 Bored of hearing about it now (-|


Global Moderator
M Power
Dec 2, 2011
Model of Z
Now that Tim C is posting on the open forum on .net it looks like there is no need for this thread any more.

In the interests of harmony I shall lock it.
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