Yeah ok ok I just find tawkin ta uver peeples stimulatin like a propa convesayshun is a grayt delite to me an even a plai on words is exersizin the ol gray matta like wich I fynd when I tawk ta my menee frends ok i maibee am abit of a pendrant, ang on that sorta stufs ill eagle aint it or is i gettin confused wiv summat els@ .Any rowed up i orsow fink tawkin conver sation iz a los tart an wen i tipe a powst ona quaybored I image gin im tawkin like to that human been facetoface an az u cancee from what I ave ritten ear i likes to do it proply lyke. Ear wy am I gettin aw lise red lions unda me werds@
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