This is the first small clip if my trip. While I visited many places, the highlight of it all was being with many of the Zroadster. org forum members. I have spoken of my flight and driving on the roads (giving unsuspecting UK drivers the fright of their lives, poor guys). But the exceptional treatment shown to me by ALL the members was the most memorable part of the trip. There is a bit more than 2 hours of video. Much of it is taken from the cars in which I was riding. Those rides were quite thrilling. The video doesn't give it the justice it deserves but tries to anyway. I always felt like a kid having a lot of fun. Not something I thought I would ever experience again at 63. I think that I have some of you at a disadvantage in that having taken these, I can relive them every time I view them. The experience might not be the same to you and might seem a little dry, almost like sitting at someone's home watching their home videos. I hope this not the case and they keep your interest. I was continually surprised at the fact that many times when I asked a forum member if they had met another member, they replied "no". So this may be a chance for many of you to see and hear another member you have previously known by only a forum name. They are all real people. And to me they are all good people. Preparing this for upload to you tube was a challenge. The first software I used as temporary software left a "watermark" in the middle of this first video. I don't think I'll be using it again. I have a bit more that 2 hours of video which will be metered out to you in about 15 minute clips except for the "evo" trip and perhaps the Rutland cruise. Thanks for watching. Thanks for being a part of my life. With great thanks and respect...........Frankie The first video is from Miller 1098, his farm,family and cars.