I hope you can't get the car past the post.
All you can do is deter them to the point where it's easier for them to go elsewhere.
Doors with high quality locks, multiple latches and hinge bolts, glass that can only be removed from the inside.
Keep window locks locked when you're out.
Keep keys away out of sight and nowhere near the front door.
Keep all tools and ladders locked up.
If you're going away use lights on timers.
You can go on and on and on.....
It would be useful if you could have a sacrificial key. That is one that looks identical to your normal keys but all it does is set the alarm off if it gets used. Just leave it where it might be found if someone breaks in to get it. That would come as a shock to anyone lifting your keys by breaking in.
Also, car security could be linked to the registered Bluetooth from your phone. We rarely go out without our phones nowadays. Without that you have to key in a code even if you have the key.