Can your Scanner Read the Barometric Pressure Sensor in the MS43 and MS45 DME's??


Zorg Guru (IV)
New Zealand Zeds
Dec 9, 2014
Timaru, New Zealand
Model of Z
3.0L, 2.8L, 2.0L Z3 Roadsters

Yes, the MS43 DME for the M54's Z3's and MS45 DME for the M54 Z4's have a barometric sensor on their PC boards. Not many people know it's there, but it is.

Can your Scanner with BMW software read the sensors value?

I'm hoping that the above has got you curious enough to go out and test your scanners capability.

If you do test it, could you please provide me with:
  • The scanner you used
  • The DME type that you scanned (MS43 or MS45)
  • The sensor's value
  • The barometric pressure in you location on the day of testing (weather forecast, airport data, Met service etc)
This will allow me to compile a list of usable scanners and see how wide ranging a mysterious problem may actually be.

I'm currently working on 5 unexplained rich (negative) fuel trim problems over on the E46Fanatics forum. 4 cars with the MS45 DME, the same as used in the Z4's with the M54 engine. 1 car with the MS43 DME, the same as used in the Z3 with the M54 engine. Investigations are pointing towards a faulty barometric sensor as the cause.

The problem is that you need a scanner with BMW software to read the sensor's value (OBD2 scanners don't) and not all of these scanner can read it. So, telling someone to go out and buy a scanner to test the sensor becomes a problem, if you don't know which one can read it. Hence the request for help.

Already Tested
  • INPA, can't do it
  • OBD2 generic, can't do it
  • Foxwell NT530 with BMW software. Can read the MS43. Haven't tested the MS45, so this needs to be done.
  • TestO, a high speed data logger that runs on the INPA platform. Can read the MS43. Haven't tested the MS45, so this needs to be done.

Testing needed:
  • Foxwell NT530 with Bmw software on the MS45 DME
  • TestO on the MS45 DME
  • Creator C110 on both the MS43 and MS45 DME's
  • Creator C310+ on both the MS43 and MS45 DME's
  • BMW Scanner 1.4 on both the MS43 and MS45 DME's
  • Any other scanner with BMW software that you have on both the MS43 and MS45 DME's
If you are going to try Testo on the MS45 DME, I recommend that you check the 4 measurement blocks "Messwerteblock lessen" at the bottom of the right hand list for the MS45 DME. You are looking for "Umgebungsdruck" (ambient pressure) , job STAT_AMP_MES_WERT.

I spend a lot f time helping members out on this forum. It would be great if some of you helped me with this little project. The outcome of which, will likely mean that members with an unexplained rich fuel trim problem can get their car fixed faster. Two of the E46 owners have been chasing the unexplained rich fuel trims problem for over a year now.

Thank you
