
  1. Asab

    Eibach springs

    Hello, I’ve just ordered some Eibach Pro-Kit Performance Spring Kit E2062-140, for my 1999 2.0 wonder if anyone can tell me what they are like? And what issues they may of had when it come to servicing, and overall ride hight after fitting. The chap who normally looks after my cars says he’s had...
  2. J

    X59 UYW looking for a specific Z3

    Hi everyone, I'm John. I'm looking for a specific Z3, 2.0, silver with red leather inteior, facelift UK model, born in November 2000. I was the original owner and loved that car, so i'm trying to find it in the hope that I can buy it back Its been SORN since Jan 2014 and the last owner...